How to Get Rid of Moths

Author:Max | TIME:May 27,2019  1330

The moth looks like a brown butterfly and always show up to visit you not announced. These butterfly-like pests invade our homes and meet them in clothes, wood, and even food. This is why it is one of the least popular insects.

moths control

We never want to have a plague of moths or any other insects, we should keep our food and clothes away from moths. If you don't know how to get rid of moths, here are some solutions available to you. Except for telling you how to kill moths, this article also tells you what moths are, types of moths and how to prevent the moths.

What are Moths?

Moths come in different sizes and can be as small as a pencil tip or as long as 12 cm. The moths inside are destroyers, and even if they are in the caterpillar stage, they are pests that can bring disaster to the entire backyard in a short time. But they grow into moths that help plants pollinate.

how to get rid of moths

These insects are usually more active at night, unlike butterfly at day, plus they can have different shapes with feathers or crests, however geometric butterfly usually has a geometric shape of the antenna thread, which is finished with a small ball End. Another notable feature is that the moth's body is more robust and hairy. Its wings are thicker and smaller. Its color is opaque and generally has several colors, and some are white and some are gray.

Moths are insects usually associated with butterflies, And some studies have shown the genetic relationship between butterflies and moths that the butterflies actually evolved from moths. We are not going to deep in because of the length.

Moths not only damage clothes, carpets and even walls, but some moths have no mouth. What they do is mating, laying eggs and dying, and their lifespan is extremely short, about 7-10 days after the break.

In any summer, moths are a common sight and are known for being attracted to artificial light. Although most of these pests are nocturnal and usually do not cause harm to humans, they are associated with many problems associated with pests in the crop or pests in the home.

Types Of Moths

There are many types of moths, but the three common types of moths in our homes are the clothes moth, wood moth, and food moth. They spread quickly and we are sometimes hard to detect. 

wood moths

Wood Moths

This type of moth is embedded in all the wooden things in our houses, such as furniture, doors, and windows.

Clothes Moths

You know that moths can spread quickly and can cause serious damage to clothes and furniture, but you may not realize that eating clothes is not an adult moth but a larva. The body's oil attracts moths, so they get food from the down blanket, pillows, and clothes.

Food Moths

When it comes to food, the most common food moths in the house is dried fruit and flour. To prevent them from finding their habitat in our kitchen, we must avoid exposing these foods.

Why Do Moths Appear?

Moths like to live in cracks that may exist in your house, so if your house has some cracks, you should seal it to minimize the possibility of embedding them.

Low-light space is another reason to promote the emergence of these pests. If the combination of cracks and low light, this is an excellent place to develop, especially when it is completely dark.

There is also a pot of flower plants in your home that may be another factor in their existence, as some of their types feed on nectar at the stage of their life.

In addition, they are hidden in food, such as flour or recently obtained flour. In this case, even if you have neither cracks, no darkness, no flowering plants, you are the one who supports them.

Sign of Moth Existence

Moth likes lights. If you want to detect if there are moths in your house, all you have to do is turn on the lights when it's dark. They will be attracted by the light and heat of artificial light and fly around it.

For clothes moths, a hole in a natural fabric such as leather, wool or silk may be a sign of the presence of moths. But they are baby moths, not adult moths. So check your cabinets, drawers and even laundry baskets. If you have larvae, you can find the same holes on the carpet. If you don't find a hole, you can't take it lightly. Some moths don't leave holes, but they leave a spider web instead.

In the kitchen, once the food smells a bit moldy or bad, you need to check if it's done by the moth.

How to Get Rid Of Moths

One of the easiest ways to get rid of moths is to take advantage of their strong pheromone sensations. Once you have the trap of the moth soaked in the pheromone, it will attract other moths in the house.

These traps have a glue that can cause the moth to get stuck. Because they could not escape the trap, they finally killed the moth. If you can't find a moth trap in your area, you can hang a fish oil flypaper to make your own trap.

The general steps to get rid of moths include checking, confirming, cleaning and handling. In addition, there is a small tip here. Because these moths are obvious, you need to stay calm when you see these insects flying. It's necessary to stay calm and not to panic so that you can prepare for the next step.

How to kill moths in food

Food Moth

Step 1: Find where the larva is. Thoroughly inspect your kitchen and not miss out where they can hide, especially flour, biscuits, rice, and cereals.

Step 2: Find where the nest is. It is best to kill moths, eggs, and larvae. Because when the larvae mature, they become cockroaches.

Step 3: Clean up the moths-stricken food. Don't hesitate, you need to throw away the food contaminated by larvae. Seal the food with a bag and take it out of the house as soon as possible.

Step 4. Clean all surfaces, including corners, shelves, countertops, floors, and even walls until all the eggs disappear.

Step 4: Disinfect tableware, kitchen furniture, and other kitchen accessories with hot water and vinegar.

Step5: Use a rag to dry your shelves, countertops, cutlery, etc.

Step 6: You can lay the bay leaves on the shelves.

How to kill moths in the cabinet

Because in addition to food, moths also like our clothes. We need to prevent moths from leaving larvae on the fabric. Most moths in the family eat plants, while Tinea pellionella and Tineola bisselliella are different. They are the most common clothes breakers, about 1 cm long and yellow or light gray in color.

clothes woths

Step 1. Check your clothes if there are holes. Of course, not all holes are caused by moths, but a mesh-like dried nasal mucus is a sign.

Step 2. Discard the clothes that have been damaged by the clothes moths if the hole is too much or too large or the clothes cannot be repaired.

Step 3. If you have a clothes moth, you need to wash and keep your clothes neat. It is best to iron them to kill larvae that may be in your clothes. Dry cleaning is an effective method. 

Tips: Putting clothes in a vacuum storage bag with a gas seal is a cost-effective and efficient solution to prevent moths.

Don't forget to clean the carpet and dust curtains.

How to Prevent the Moths in the Kitchen and Wardrobe

1. To keep food away from moths, your food should be stored in a well-sealed container.

2. Wash and keep your clothes tidy. Ironing can limit the growth of months because you kill larvae that may be in your clothes.

3. Wet clothes can attract moths. If the weather is wet, it is wise to store your clothes in a nylon bag with a gas seal.

4. Clean the carpet and dust curtains.

5. Try natural moths for months, cedar shavings, rosemary, lemongrass, lavender, and thyme are your preferred moth repellents. You grind everything and put it in the bag.

6. Another option is pepper and cinnamon and cloves.

7. Cedar is naturally pest-proof and added with mint and lavender lanterns to increase its effectiveness.

The Bottom Line

The moth looks like a butterfly and belongs to the order Lepidoptera. Although it is similar to butterfly in some respects, you need to know that moths are a pest for crops. They come quickly and the results are very serious. It is not dangerous to people, but months at home can cause some troubles, such as broken clothes and blankets, spoiled food, and so on. Not all people have plagues of moths in their homes, but when you suffer, it can be a real problem.

If you want to know how to get rid of moths in the wardrobe, carpet or kitchen, we have completed our research and collected the best advice and natural methods to help you prevent moths from entering your home and let you know how to kill moths.


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